Study-related Kick-In

Besides the general Kick-In of the university itself, you can experience an even better Study-related programme, completely created for you and your fellow Electrical Engineering students by Scintilla’s Kick-In Committee (SKIC) 2024.  The Study-related programme runs from the 26th of August till the 28th of August. The study-related Kick-In will consist of some important study information, and a fun camp full of activities.


On the morning of Monday the 26th of August, some important information is given. You will meet the study coordinators and study advisers, and you will be introduced to the IT systems that are used on the UT. You will meet the study association Scintilla. Scintilla is the study association of Electrical Engineering. They provide free coffee and discount on study books, help with your study and take care of (non-)related activities after study hours. After this, you will get info about what to do to prepare for your first days of studying and about ordering the books for the first quartile, so make sure to have 200 to 300 euros available in your bank account so you don't get in trouble with money.n the morning of Monday the 26th of August some important information is given. You will meet the study association Scintilla. Scintilla is the study association of Electrical Engineering. They provide free coffee and discount on study books, help with your study and take care of (non-)related activities after study hours. After this, you will get info about what to do to prepare for your first days of studying and about ordering the books for the first quartile.


Moving on to the second part of your study-related programme, the camp! During this camp you will get to know other fellow Electrical Engineering students from other do groups, the board members and traditions of Scintilla. All while enjoying a bunch of fun activities. The journey to the camp will be done on bicycles, so make sure you have one. This is very important, make sure your bike is in good condition. Below, you can see a small list of things you will want to pack.oving on to the second part of your study-related programme, the camp! During this camp you will get to know fellow Electrical Engineering students from other do groups, the board members and the traditions of Scintilla. All while enjoying a bunch of fun activities. The journey to the camp will be done on bicycles, so make sure you have one. This is very important, make sure your bike is in good condition. Below is a small list of things you will want to pack.
Sleeping bag, pillow, linen cloths and a few towels;

  • An air mattress/sleeping mat
  • Sleeping bag, pillow, linen cloths and a few towels;
  • A water bottle
  • Dishcloth
  • Your own plate, cup and cutlery
  • Your toiletries
  • Clothes and shoes that can get dirty;
  • Money for extra consumptions during the 3 days;
  • Swimming and sports outfits;
  • A bike (again)
  • Warm clothes for the evenings (sweater and/or pullover);
  • Sunscreen
  • Spacesuit
  • A power strip (to charge your phone)

The camp will run from the afternoon of the 26th to the morning of the 28th and the total costs for the Study-related programme are €35-.

Foreign student experience during the Kick-In:

Hi, I’m Jana, I’m 19 and I come from Croatia. A year ago I decided to move to the Netherlands to study Electrical Engineering at the UT and here’s my kick-in experience.

No matter how exciting the start of university is, there’s always this fear of not being accepted into a new environment lingering in the back of everyone’s mind. Now add to it the fact that you’ve just moved countries and you don’t speak Dutch but are planning to live in the Netherlands and you got yourself a scarred little foreign student. Luckily, here’s where the kick-in comes in. Probably the best decision you can make as a foreign student at UT is to join the kick-in program and here’s why. First of all, functioning in do groups is amazing as it leaves you no choice but to get to know your group mates and for them to get to know you. This left me with friends that I’ll keep for the rest of my studies and helped me adapt to my new surroundings as I slowly got the hang of how the Dutch people work. Secondly, I will probably be forever grateful for the study-specific kick-in days (the ones that concentrated on things like where to get books, how to join your study association (btw JOIN YOUR STUDY ASSOCIATION), which programs you need on your laptop etc.) since it summarizes all the info you need to start off your year without a care in the world. The parties are loud, people are great and sleep is non-existent but all in all, it’s a blast. Hope you have as much fun as I did. I wish you a great kick-in!