
New Vonk Article: "Kick-In 2023: Throwback Wednesday"

Hello! I am Gregor, 18 years old, and I got to experience the kick-in for the first time this year, as a kiddo. After choosing Annie (with 33 years the oldest do-group of the UT), the adventure...

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New Vonk Article: "SPOCK7: the journey so far"

As you might know, the study tour has already been travelling since the 29th of September and we have experienced quite a lot already. We’ll give a small summary here, but if you want to know more...

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New Vonk Article: "Meet the board!"

Around the start of every new study year a new group of people take over being the board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla. This year the five of us were officially charged as the 94th board on the 5th of...

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New Vonk Article: "From University to cowshed"

Completing your studies and starting in the professional field is a milestone that brings both excitement and uncertainty. Mike Jordens (25), a hardware engineer at Nedap Livestock, shares his...

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New Vonk Article: "Lab-on-a-Chip applications at Benchmark Almelo"

A couple of years ago an article was published on how the design team at Benchmark operates, describing our 7-step development model used for our products and the various application fields we are...

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New Vonk Article: "Summer server shuffling - Scintilla's Server Shuffle"

During the summer break the Scintilla Operator Team executed one of its biggest operations in years, which involved upgrading Scintilla’s two most important servers. Johan Verzijden, Chairman of...

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New Vonk Article: "On Location: Elfbierentocht 2023"

On June 1st 2023, one of the largest student traditions of the University of Twente has come upon us once more, this time with its largest edition yet: the Elfbierentocht (Eleven Beer Tour). Every...

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Scintilla's Server Shuffle - Server maintenance during summer

From August the 8th till August the 14th Scintilla Operator Team will perform extensive maintenance on Scintilla's servers. During this week, all digital systems of Scintilla will experience long...

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New Vonk Article: "1948-2023: 75 Years of Impact!"

This year, the University Foundation celebrates its 75th anniversary. Older than the University of Twente and with a lot of history! With support from local and national industry the former...

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Server maintenance during vacation

On Wednesday March 1st the Scintilla Operator Team will update the main and backup servers of Scintilla. During this day, all systems of Scintilla (except this website) will be unavailable! For...

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